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    Power Cable Assembly

    Power Cable Assembly 

    전원 케이블 조립체



    The power cable assembly is a cable set designed to supply operational power to weapons systems and equipment used in combat vehicles, tactical command posts, etc. It satisfies requirements for oil resistance, low-temperature flexibility, environmental resistance, and waterproofing.




    This cable assembly is designed for power transmission and is applied to various communication equipment and military tracked vehicles.




    • - Temperature: -55 ℃ to 135 ℃
    • - Oil Resistance (Diesel-Resistance), Flexible Outer Sheath
    • - Waterproof Type
    • - EMI Shielding Design and Manufacturing


    {"google":["Montserrat","Barlow","Roboto"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Gothic"]}{"google":["Montserrat","Barlow","Roboto"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}